Wielki słownik medyczny angielsko-polski 2011 r., Anna Słomczewska

w złożeniach oznacza: przez, całkowicie

Wojskowy słownik angielsko-polski Copyright by Wydawnictwo HaraldG (aut. Tadeusz J. Grzebieniowski)

skr. Defense Intelli-gence Agency

Słownik audio-video Montevideo


diapozytyw, przeźrocze, slajd

slajd, przeźrocze, diapozytyw

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

That he is in a position to do so is yet more testimony to a stellar golf game and a mind so hard-wired for success and self-belief that he has no idea how anyone could have doubted that the man who showed up here for his rather pathetic showdown with the media a week ago was not going to be able to perform well. Peter Alliss, whose treacly tones help illuminate the BBC television coverage from Georgia, has no doubt about how important it would be for Woods to triumph again today. "I may be the only one who doubts that he will ever beat Jack Nicklaus's 18-major benchmark," he says. "Look, he is getting older and he has had injuries and other stuff to contend with. Certainly, I'll tell you this, if he doesn't win a couple of this year's majors then he is in trouble."
The trial of Timothy McVeigh in Denver, and the long road to his execution was a Calvary for the victims and survivors. At one point, the judge ruled that victims could not observe the proceedings if they wanted to make impact statements in the event of a guilty verdict. As McVeigh neared his execution, media developed a grotesque fascination with him. Gore Vidal corresponded with the mass murderer, and a book came to be ghost-written in which McVeigh dubbed the dead children "collateral damage" and those he had bereaved "the woe-is-me crowd".
When I was asked to write about being pregnant and embedded with soldiers in Afghanistan, I said OK. But I was still reluctant. And so the months passed. Then, not long ago, I got an email from a colonel in the army's media affairs office, saying they were declining my next embed request in part because "you failed to disclose your pregnancy". What troubled me more than the refusal was that the colonel was a woman. Compare the email I got from another colonel, a man: "Congratulations! I heard you are due in February â?? forever you will provide Rock Paratroopers with stories. 5(+) months pregnant humping up the Abas Ghar!" (the 8,400ft mountain ridge in the Korengal valley).
We'd ended up in the Korengal valley, a place of everglade beauty, screeching monkeys, and gruff mountain tribes. "It's really not fit for women," the media affairs guy had said. "There's nowhere for you to sleep." "Then we'll go," we'd said. That's where we wanted to be: the place not fit for women. By which I guess he meant male, smelly, rough. We were doing a story on air strikes and civilian casualties, and I wanted the point of view of the soldiers dropping the bombs.
"I think we are getting married. We are not making any statement, politically," she told the sceptical press pack. "I just want to know how I am going to look and how my hair is going to be, rather than think how India and Pakistan political issues are going to be."
"At least people can look up to them as a beacon of hope and peace for Pak-India relations," said Gilani. Butt concurred: "I am sure it will have far-reaching effects and help improve relations between the two countries." The former Pakistani prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, suggested political differences between the countries could be resolved through a similarly "positive approach".
Amber Rahim Shamsi, blogging for the Pakistan newspaper Dawn, likened it to the positive response in India to Bollywood movies in which the male (Indian) lead charms his way into the affections of the (Pakistani) female lead. "I doubt if any if these films would have resonated with the Indian masses had the genders been reversed," she wrote. "This also explains why the response on the Pakistani side has been so laudatory."
As she fell in love with Malik, it seems, India began to fall out of love with her.
"In India, cross-border marriages are a cultural shock given the political background of the two countries," Dr Bhavna Barmi, a psychologist and marital therapist, explained in the Times of India. "India and Pakistan, for time immemorial, have been portrayed as two warring nations which has had a humongous impact on our psyche. So, such adverse reactions don't really come as a surprise."
"There are many reasons for this, not least the widely held, popular view that she is selling herself short by marrying so gauche (and now, dishonest) a man as Shoaib," she said. "But the underlying sub-text was undoubtedly a sense that Sania is getting her just desserts. The whole affair illustrates a deeply held competitiveness between India and Pakistan."

Dia? Who's that man up in front who keeps looking at me?
Kim jest ten człowiek, tam z przodu który się na mnie gapi?

Dia, the Mahar city is no place for you.
Dia, miasto Maharów to nie miejsce dla ciebie.

Guys, meet Dia, my muse and future wife.
Chłopaki, poznajcie Dię, moją muzę i przyszłą żonę.

Dia is a princess, the daughter of kings.
Dia jest księżniczką, królewską córką.

Dia is of Espaguetti I would have to go to
Jest dzień Espaguetti musiałby pójść do...

Thereby that is the dress The first dia
Jest z tego powodu, że strój pierwszy dzień

It reminds me of thatafternoon we spent on Seras Dia.
Przypomina mi się popołudnie, które spędziliśmy na Seras Dia.

Dia will not be mine until we destroy the Mahars and free Pellucidar.
Nie będzie moja, dopóki nie zniszczymy Maharów i nie uwolnimy Pellucidaru.

Singh sir, when Dia dances men swoon..
Panie Singh podobno, kiedy Dia tańczy mężczyźni tracą głowę.

teach me to dance once again Dia.. ..to live
Naucz mnie znowu tańczyć. Naucz mnie żyć od nowa.

I won't deny it.. ..you've always been fearless Dia..
Nie będę zaprzeczać. Ty się nigdy niczego nie bałaś, Dia.

(ES) Bon dia, Madam President.
(PT) Bon dia, Pani Przewodnicząca!