Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adverb) alarmująco, zatrważająco, niepokojąco;

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

But it's alarmingly easy to disappear completely. Or, more to the point, to live like we all used to. I swapped Facebook updates for lengthy phone calls (often via a phonebox; 50p gets you nowhere these days). I read more, I cooked more, I wrote a few postcards (and managed to forget to leave enough space for the stamp). I drew. I went on long walks. I drove to Hastings and ate chips on the beach. I watched more curling in the Winter Olympics than I would have thought humanly possible. I rediscovered the rare thrill of staying up until midnight on a Saturday night to see if my football team had won (we're in the Championship) or â?? better yet â?? only finding out when I opened the Sunday papers.
I'm crawling towards the ledge just as he calls out, "See you on the ground," with the air of a man about to pop downstairs for a Pot Noodle. And there he is, off into all that empty air, falling incredibly fast and alarmingly close to the face of the building. After a stomach-ripping second or so of rapid descent his parachute billows and in a gentle, expert parabola he floats away from the jutting brickwork and eases towards the drop zone. Touchdown is witnessed by a group of transfixed night-time strollers. From the rooftop it looks as though they're clapping.
But the image of the USSR that the west briefly nurtured in the late 50s and early 60s was not a pure illusion. It was an exaggeration of something real; a report of a real confidence, a real feeling of success in Moscow which the west helped falsify by translating it into western terms and tricking it out with the west's expectations. Something really did go right or go well, then, for the Soviet Union, which we're in danger now of tidying away, like all episodes in history that point in a direction not taken and which therefore refuse to fit into the hindsighted narrative we make out of the past for our convenience. The truths learned later about the Soviet economy were quite real, of course. It did indeed prove to be wasteful rather than efficient, cack-handed instead of strategic, alarmingly incoherent rather than terrifyingly rational. But if we tell ourselves only a case-closed story of communism as an inevitable disaster we miss other parts of the past's reality and foreclose on the other stories it can tell us.
Lights Out In Wonderland is, he says, the final part of a loose trilogy that began with the spectacularly successful Vernon God Little. In that book, the eponymous 15-year-old hero is wrongly blamed for a Columbine-style massacre in a Texan high school and goes on the run, pursued by an increasingly hysterical media circus that simultaneously demonises and lionises him. (The novel was also alarmingly prescient, having been written before the Columbine high school murders.) The chair of the Booker judges, Professor John Carey, called it "a coruscating black comedy reflecting our alarm and fascination with modern America".
Many economists say the next move will be more full-blown QE. But not everyone agrees it is the best way to prop up a fragile recovery. With the US growth outlook already "alarmingly bad", bond yields had fallen sharply, noted Rob Carnell at ING Financial Markets. If part of the aim of QE was to lower market rates, what was the point of embarking on it when they were already falling on their own?
Another rapper who maintained their career trajectory from within a cell was Tupac Shakur, who became the first artist to have an American No 1 while in jail with his album Me Against the World. Tupac also found time in jail to get married, write a screenplay (Live 2 Tell) and read, among other things, Sun Tzu's The Art of War. Alarmingly for George Michael, however, might be the fact that Tupac described withdrawal from weed as one of the most startling aspects of starting his prison term. Still, given that so many musicians have faced time inside before and come out relatively unscathed, perhaps the singer shouldn't worry too much. It's only eight weeks, after all, and if he can just keep his head down, start a blog, write a new album, find God, find another god and read several tomes on Chinese military strategy then he should be OK.
It wasn't that everyone in my peer group was having kids. In fact, I'd succeeded in spending my 20s almost entirely insulated from children. That I'd no idea what parenthood meant was doubtless a spur to feeling ready for it, but there were other reasons, too. I'd met my wife at university, and we got married alarmingly early, at 25. Life was busy: postgraduate degrees, jobs, spells abroad in Canada and the US, pubs, long-distance walks, camping trips, weekends with friends, art galleries. But by the time I was 30, I'd grown tired of independence. My 20s were over. Time to get real.
That said, Iannucci hasn't finished making a living out of Tony Blair's PR bruiser, even though Campbell's beloved New Labour is dead, buried and Ed Miliband affects to dance on its grave. Faber next month publishes a Thick of It spinoff book entitled The Missing DoSAC Files, written by Iannucci and the show's other writers Jesse Armstrong, Ian Martin, Simon Blackwell and Tony Roche. DoSAC stands for the Department of Social Affairs and Citizenship. Now the coalition is cutting government savagely the acronym is proving alarmingly prescient.
The then home secretary, David Blunkett, countered with legislation providing a new set of mandatory guidelines to judges about how long lifers should serve. Until then a life sentence had usually meant between 15 and 20 years. Blunkett's legislation introduced a slate of offences where life should mean life â?? criminals who had murdered two people, who had killed with a degree of premeditation, or who abducted or sexually abused their victim, child murderers, murder done to advance a political, religious or ideological cause. A final, alarmingly vague category was introduced: judges could recommend a whole-life tariff simply if they considered the offence was serious enough to merit it. A freedom of information request for this article has revealed that between 2005 and 2009, 29 new whole-life sentences were handed out (some have subsequently been overturned).
Despite predictions of apathy, more than 80 million voted, about normal for a midterm election. Alarmingly for the Democrats, though, exit polls showed more voters now identify themselves as conservatives than in 2008, 7%. The Democrats will almost certainly lose control of the Senate in 2012 if the trend continues.

He has unusually long arms and an alarmingly small neck.
Ma niezwykle długie ręce i zadziwiająco krótką szyję.

Even if they were infected right away, that's an alarmingly short incubation period.
I nawet jeśli zarazili się od razu, to jest alarmująco krótki okres czasu inkubacji.

This situation threatens, immediately and alarmingly, to lead to epidemics.
Ta sytuacja zagraża, w sposób bezpośredni i alarmujący, powstaniem epidemii.

That's very bad news for local indigenous people who arereporting alarmingly high cancer rates.
To bardzo zła wiadomość dla lokalnych mieszkańców, izgłaszają alarmująco wysoką zachorowalność na raka.

Rooms that I once found completely tolerable now suddenly feel alarmingly cramped.
Pomieszczenia, które dotąd były znośne, teraz wydają mi się za ciasne.

Madam President, the number of people seeking refugee and asylum status is growing alarmingly.
Pani przewodnicząca! Liczba osób ubiegających się o azyl i status uchodźcy niepokojąco wzrasta.

Eve, for someone who owns a New Age store, you are alarmingly earthbound.
Jak na właścicielkę sklepu New Age, jesteś niezwykle przyziemna, Ewo.

I mean, not that you're alarmingly gallant, but you're also a complete stranger.
Nie żebyś był niezwykle rycerski, ale jesteś także kompletnym nieznajomym.

That seems to be happening in Bosnia, which is sliding alarmingly towards dysfunction if not destruction.
Wygląda na to, że dzieje się tak w Bośni, która niepokojąco zmierza ku dysfunkcji, o ile nie ku destrukcji.

Alarmingly, the situation could easily deteriorate further.
Przerażające jest to, że ta sytuacja może się z łatwością jeszcze pogorszyć.

It was alarmingly big for a five-year-old.
Był niepokojąco wielki jak na pięciolatka.

Your support has been alarmingly genuine.
Twoje wsparcie było niebezpiecznie szczere.

Alarmingly enough, there are many Members of this Parliament who harbour hostile views on homosexuals.
Jest niepokojące, że wielu posłów do Parlamentu Europejskiego ma wrogie nastawienie do homoseksualistów.

Firstly, we cannot see any clear target for reducing youth unemployment, which is alarmingly high in all Member States.
Po pierwsze, nie widzimy żadnego wyraźnego celu w zakresie obniżania stopy bezrobocia wśród młodzieży, która jest niepokojąco wysoka we wszystkich państwach członkowskich.

That school nurse is alarmingly gullible.
Pielęgniarka szkolna jest zatrważająco naiwna.

Despite achieving its 2006 target, the amount of aid is insufficient and forecasts for 2007 show that it is decreasing alarmingly.
Mimo osiągnięcia tego celu z 2006 roku, ilość pomocy jest niewystarczająca i prognozy na 2007 rok wskazują, że spada ona w sposób alarmujący.

The morbidity and mortality rates resulting from drinking water unfit for consumption remain, in these circumstances, alarmingly high, especially among children.
W takich okolicznościach liczba osób chorych i umierających z powodu nieodpowiedniej do spożycia wody pitnej pozostaje na zastraszająco wysokim poziomie, zwłaszcza wśród dzieci.

Military contributions have decreased alarmingly.
W sposób alarmujący spadły składki na cele wojskowe.

These economies are shrinking alarmingly.
Gospodarki te kurczą się w alarmującym tempie.

She can be alarmingly simple... ...and then, suddenly dark and complicated.
Potrafi być zaskakująco prosta... ...i wtem, nagle mroczna i skomplikowana.

(HU) The European Union's trade deficit has increased alarmingly three and a half fold in the last five years.
(HU) Deficyt handlowy UE zwiększył się w ciągu ostatnich pięciu lat w sposób alarmujący - aż trzy i pół raza.

I need only refer to the alarmingly high percentage of HIV-infected women - south of the Sahara the figure is 57%.
Wystarczy, że powołam się na alarmująco wysoki odsetek kobiet zarażonych wirusem HIV - na południe od Sahary wynosi on 57%.

in writing. -The gender pay gap is alarmingly high in the EU.
na piśmie. - Różnice w wynagrodzeniach dla kobiet i mężczyzn są w UE alarmująco wysokie.

As early as 2001, Irish economists were alarmingly warning that Ireland desperately needed to raise interest rates to choke off the unsustainable boom.
Już w 2001 roku irlandzcy ekonomiści ostrzegali, że Irlandia na gwałt potrzebuje podnieść stopy procentowe, aby przyhamować niezrównoważony boom.

Alarmingly, these proposals and wordings reveal a total lack of respect for the value of every human life, regardless of whether we are talking about sick or healthy people.
Zatrważające jest to, że przedmiotowe propozycje i sformułowania ujawniają całkowity brak poszanowania dla wartości każdego ludzkiego życia, niezależnie od tego, czy mówimy o osobach chorych, czy zdrowych.

Mr President, a recent poll in Ireland showed support for the Reform Treaty to be at alarmingly low levels of just under 25% saying yes and over 62% undecided.
Panie przewodniczący! Z przeprowadzonego niedawno w Irlandii sondażu wynika, że poparcie dla traktatu reformującego plasuje się na alarmująco niskim poziomie - niecałe 25% badanych jest za, a ponad 62% jest niezdecydowane.

The poverty zone in Europe is growing alarmingly and embracing increasing numbers of people, particularly families with many children, who are currently finding it difficult to survive from one month to the next.
Strefa biedy w Europie niepokojąco się zwiększa i obejmuje coraz więcej osób, szczególnie wielodzietnych rodzin, mających teraz trudności z przetrwaniem z miesiąca na miesiąc.

All three of those quotations come from our former colleagues in this House, Nick Clegg and Chris Huhne - now, alarmingly, ministers in the British Government.
Wszystkie trzy cytaty są autorstwa byłych posłów do tego Parlamentu, Nicka Clegga i Chrisa Huhne'a, obecnie, co niepokojące, ministrów rządu brytyjskiego.

(FI) Mr President, the problems resulting from the dangerous and harmful consumption of alcohol have grown alarmingly in recent years in all the Member States of the European Union.
(FI) Panie przewodniczący! Problemy wynikające z niebezpiecznej i szkodliwej konsumpcji alkoholu zaczęły w ostatnich latach w państwach członkowskich Unii Europejskiej w niepokojący sposób narastać.

We owe this to our younger generations who no longer grow up under such regimes and whose awareness of totalitarianism in all its forms has become alarmingly superficial and inadequate, even in the five years since the expansion of 2004.
Jesteśmy to winni młodszym pokoleniom, które już nie wychowują się pod takimi rządami i których wiedza o totalitaryzmie w jego wszelkich formach stała się alarmująco powierzchowna i nieodpowiednia, nawet w okresie pięciu lat po rozszerzeniu z 2004 roku.

The Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund appropriations under heading 1b have been substantially strengthened, as the unpaid commitments under the funds - the RALs - are alarmingly high, at more than EUR 95 billion.
Środki w ramach funduszy strukturalnych i Funduszu Spójności zostały znacznie wzmocnione w dziale 1b, niespłacone zobowiązania w ramach funduszy - RAL - są także alarmująco wysokie i wynoszą ponad 95 mld euro.