Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) geografia Afganistan;

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geogr. Afganistan

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Yesterday, three Czech servicemen were wounded in a rocket attack in Afghanistan.
Wczoraj trzej czescy żołnierze zostali ranni w ataku rakietowym w Afganistanie.


Drugs grown and produced in Afghanistan find their way to the streets of Europe.
Uprawiane i produkowane w Afganistanie narkotyki trafiają na europejskie ulice.


This also involves assistance in combating the production of drugs in Afghanistan.
Dotyczy to także pomocy w zakresie walki z produkcją narkotyków w Afganistanie.


The European Union's actions in Afghanistan and Pakistan must be coordinated.
Działania Unii Europejskiej w Afganistanie i Pakistanie muszą być koordynowane.


There is no military solution for Afghanistan, something the report also states.
Stwierdzono też, że w kwestii Afganistanu nie istnieje rozwiązanie militarne.


Four months pregnant, a journalist joined US forces in Afghanistan as an embedded correspondent. This is her story
I never thought I'd write a personal story about being a war correspondent. It seemed so beside the point, so much less important than the story I was reporting. Some of my closest friends are photographers and writers who've worked in war zones, and whenever we'd get questions like "What's it like to be a woman and work in Afghanistan or Iraq?" we'd roll our eyes. It was an attitude, for sure, but one we were proud of.
On a muggy August afternoon, I dragged myself and my flu to an infectious-disease doctor. I asked him if he could give me some antibiotics for Afghanistan that were safe to take when you're pregnant. His eyes leapt up from his notes.
In retrospect, I can see that the act of keeping a secret allowed me to forestall being pregnant, becoming a mother, changing my life. But whatever abstraction "having a baby" was up until that moment, it was over. I was besotted. Whenever she stopped hiccuping or kicking inside, I missed her. The next question was simply how I'd ever get on a plane again and go to Afghanistan without her.
As an intelligence specialist in the US army, Manning had access to assessments from the battlefields in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as frank diplomatic insights into Middle East governments.
As bestselling reporter Sebastian Junger's account of his year spent with US forces in Afghanistan joins other first-rate books about contemporary conflicts, novelist Geoff Dyer argues that recent reportage trumps fiction in its characterisation, observation and narrative drive
That the conflict in Afghanistan wasn't an active issue in the election suggests that it is in danger of being regarded as a condition to be endured rather than a problem to be solved â?? much as the war in Iraq became before British troops withdrew. In their different ways, two new books â?? David Finkel's The Good Soldiers (Atlantic) and Sebastian Junger's War (Fourth Estate) â?? offer perilous insights into the nature of that condition. The Good Soldiers is the result of eight months spent with the US 2-16 Infantry Battalion in Baghdad, part of "the surge" confidently announced by President Bush in January 2007. War is an account of Junger's time embedded with a platoon of American soldiers at "the tip of the spear" in the lethal Korengal Valley in Afghanistan.
Writers are not obliged to deal with current events, but it happens that the big story of our times â?? the al-Qaida attacks on New York and the Pentagon, and the subsequent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan â?? is being told in some of the greatest books of our time. These books do not, however, take the shape and form often expected: the novel. So Finkel and Junger have their work cut out if their contributions are to squeeze on to a shelf of first-rate books that already includes Steve Coll's Ghost Wars; Lawrence Wright's The Looming Tower; George Packer's The Assassins' Gate; Rajiv Chandrasekaran's Imperial Life in the Emerald City; and Dexter Filkins's The Forever War.
Within every comparable category or type of book on Iraq and Afghanistan the Americans do it better than their British counterparts. On either side of the Atlantic the books by journalists are, naturally, better than those by the people they are writing about. It is clear from Generation Kill that Lieutenant Nathaniel Fick is a remarkable officer and human being. In his partial autobiography, One Bullet Away, however, Fick is not able to impose his authorial personality on his version of the story from which he emerges with so much credit in Wright's account. Similarly, Desperate Glory â?? British journalist Sam Kiley's Jungeresque account of his time in Helmand with Britain's 16 Air Assault Brigade â?? is a better piece of writing than The Junior Officer's Reading Club, former soldier Patrick Hennessy's memoir of his tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is inevitable; we don't expect Wright and Kiley to be able to shoot more accurately or march further in full equipment than Fick or Hennessy. But once we start comparing like with like â?? soldier with soldier, journo with journo â?? the Americans come out unambiguously ahead.
This is not to say that, by turning their attention to Afghanistan or Iraq, American reporters and journalists are on to a sure-fire success. When Jon Krakauer became interested in the story of Pat Tillman he must have thought that he had found (in Wright's terms) the perfect donkey: all-American boy wins lucrative pro football deal but, after 9/11, chucks it in to join the army and goes to Afghanistan, where he is killed in an ambush. Even more of a hero. Then word begins to creep out that he was killed by friendly fire, and the military try everything in their power to conceal the truth.

Or was the war in Afghanistan really about something else?
A może w wojnie o Afganistan chodziło tak naprawdę, o coś innego?

And also was thinking of going to see what Afghanistan is really like.
A także chcieliśmy zobaczyć, jaki naprawdę jest Afganistan.

If they do, they'll have Afghanistan under control in a matter of days.
Jeśli do tego dojdzie, opanują Afganistan w ciągu kilku dni.

We also have an old experience in Afghanistan, which is not always good.
Mamy również doświadczenie współpracy w Afganistanie, która nie zawsze była dobra.

I'm not sure how much fun Afghanistan is ready for.
Nie wiem na ile rozrywki gotowy jest Afganistan.

Maybe he wants the home front a full moon in Afghanistan show.
Może pokaże chłopakom w domu, jak wygląda pełny księżyc w Afganistanie.

People have paid a high price for peace in Afghanistan, and we must not let them down.
Obywatele Afganistanu zapłacili wysoką cenę i nie możemy ich zawieść.

Drop me in Afghanistan before 911, the world would be a different place.
Upuść mnie w Afganistanie przed 911, świat byłby różnym miejscem.

Who the hell knew it was so cold in Afghanistan?
Kto, do cholery, wiedział, że w Afganistanie jest tak zimno?

He's probably going to go be a big hero in Afghanistan.
On prawdopodobnie będzie wielkim bohaterem w Afganistanie.

To do what, at such a crucial moment for Afghanistan?
Co robić w tak ważnym momencie dla Afganistanu?

However, the question is not when, but how, we pull out of Afghanistan.
Jednak pytanie brzmi nie kiedy, ale jak, wycofamy się z Afganistanu.

There is no military solution for Afghanistan, something the report also states.
Stwierdzono też, że w kwestii Afganistanu nie istnieje rozwiązanie militarne.

It's about a new plan going into motion in Afghanistan.
O nowym planie, który jest uruchamiany w Afganistanie.

But there is another side of Afghanistan that you don't normally see.
Ale jest druga strona Afganistanu, której się zazwyczaj nie pokazuje.

I'm sure they already know that you brought heroin back from Afghanistan.
Na pewno już wiedzą, że przywiozłeś tę heroinę z Afganistanu.

This, of course, also applies to people who have come from Afghanistan.
Dotyczy to również osób przybyłych z Afganistanu.

I call for the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan.
Wzywam do wycofania zagranicznych żołnierzy z Afganistanu.

I would like to express my support for aid to Afghanistan.
Chciałbym wyrazić swoje poparcie na rzecz pomocy Afganistanowi.

Turning around the situation in Afghanistan represents a major challenge.
Doprowadzenie do poprawy sytuacji w Afganistanie to ogromne wyzwanie.

The strategy pursued so far on Afghanistan has not brought the expected results.
na piśmie - (PL) Strategia dotychczas stosowana wobec Afganistanu nie przyniosła zakładanych rezultatów.

Afghanistan will just be the first stop of many.
Afganistan będzie pierwszym przystankiem z wielu.

Did he ever talk about what happened in Afghanistan?
Czy on kiedykolwiek mówił co wydarzyło się w Afganistanie?

How did I ever let you talk me into coming to Afghanistan?
Jak ja dałem się tobie namówić na przyjazd do Afganistanu?

My wife asked the waiter if the chef was from Afghanistan.
Moja zona pytala kelnera, czy kucharz jest z Afganistanu.

Next year, there will be significantly greater numbers of international personnel in Afghanistan.
W przyszłym roku w Afganistanie znacznie wzrośnie międzynarodowy kontyngent.

In Afghanistan, history has demonstrated that there can be no military solution.
Historia pokazała, że w Afganistanie nie ma mowy o rozwiązaniu wojskowym.

It is imperative we take action to improve the situation in Afghanistan.
na piśmie. - (PL) Konieczne jest podjęcie kroków mających na celu poprawę sytuacji w Afganistanie.

The mission launched in Afghanistan must be brought to a conclusion.
Musimy zakończyć misję w Afganistanie.

The partnership with Afghanistan should instead be strengthened in every way.
Partnerstwo z Afganistanem należy wzmacniać wszelkimi sposobami.

The first thing, however, which Afghanistan needs is more security, not less security.
Jednak po pierwsze Afganistan potrzebuje większego, a nie mniejszego, bezpieczeństwa.

I hear Afghanistan is nice this time of year.
Słyszałem, że Afganistan jest piękny o tej porze roku.

Afghanistan's southern provinces are most affected, with 70% of all the production.
W największym stopniu dotknięte są regiony w południowym Afganistanie, gdzie odbywa się 70% całej produkcji.

His unit is being redeployed to Afghanistan, and he's not going.
Jego jednostkę wysyłają do Afganistanu, a on nie jedzie.

Since the beginning of the year violence in Afghanistan has cost the lives of more than 2 200 people.
Od początku roku rosnąca przemoc w Afganistanie kosztowała życie ponad 2 200 ludzi.

My first question is simple: Why did we go to Afghanistan?
Moje pierwsze pytanie jest proste. Dlaczego pojechaliśmy do Afganistanu?

There is still a lot of work to do in this area in Afghanistan.
Nadal pozostaje wiele do zrobienia w Afganistanie.

Why the huge scandal of foreign aid delivery to Afghanistan during the last 10 years?
Skąd tak ogromne skandale w realizacji pomocy zagranicznej na rzecz Afganistanu w okresie ostatnich 10 lat?

The first argument is self-protection for the world outside of Afghanistan.
Pierwszy argument to samoobrona świata poza granicami Afganistanu.

This will enable stabilisation of the social system in Afghanistan.
Umożliwi to stabilizację systemu społecznego w Afganistanie.

The situation of women in Afghanistan today is worse than ever as a result of the war.
Obecnie sytuacja kobiet w Afganistanie jest w wyniku wojny gorsza niż kiedykolwiek.

Too many young soldiers from Europe have lost their lives in Afghanistan.
Zbyt wielu młodych europejskich żołnierzy straciło życie w Afganistanie.

So something can be done, even in such extreme environmentsas Afghanistan.
Coś więc można zrobić nawet w takim miejscu jakAfganistan.

We will not allow to transit supplies to Afghanistan through our territory.
Nie zezwolimy na przewóz zaopatrzenia dla Afganistanu poprzez nasze terytoria.

Afghanistan's drug industry does indeed pose an enormous challenge to progress in state building.
Afgański przemysł narkotykowy rzeczywiście stwarza poważne wyzwanie dla procesu budowania struktur państwowych.

The real position of the women of Afghanistan tells a different story, however.
Prawdziwy status kobiet w Afganistanie to jednak inna historia.

Most importantly, who wants to be Afghanistan's next president?
A teraz najważniejsze, kto chce zostać następnym prezydentem Afganistanu?

And you were in Afghanistan sometime in the last month?
Byłaś w ciągu ostatniego miesiąca w Afganistanie?

Our commander is the only one in the whole Afghanistan
Nasz dowódca kompanii jest jeden taki w całym Afganistanie.

What we have in Afghanistan is not a solitary conflict but a regional war that could develop further.
W Afganistanie mamy do czynienia nie z pojedynczym konfliktem, ale z wojną regionalną, która może eskalować dalej.