ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

adj. ozdobiony

Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.



Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

The children help run Project Prevention from the family home in Concord, North Carolina. They go on family excursions in a 30ft Project Prevention motor home, adorned with images of critically ill babies under slogans such as "She has her daddy's eyes and her mother's addiction". "It gets people talking," Harris says. "I've had my kids' friends come along, too. We just go out and they pass out flyers. They enjoy it. It's a good experience for my kids because they've seen it for themselves and they know it's nowhere they want to go."
Hall sits down, orders avocado on toast, and talks about her new movie, Please Give. It is classic Hall territory. Ostensibly, it's about a couple who buy furniture on the cheap from relatives of the recently deceased and sell it on in their trendy vintage shop, but really it's about growing up and learning to make the best of your lot. Hall plays Rebecca, a dowdy mammogram technician who looks after her vinegary grandmother. She is beautiful, but in a rather unadorned way â?? a few freckles here, a couple of dimples there. Whereas it is too great a leap of the imagination for, say, Cruz or Johansson to play plain, Hall can pull it off. As so often, her character here is melancholy, uncomfortable in her skin â?? she stoops uneasily, her mouth seems overcrowded with teeth, and when an elderly patient tries to fix her up with her son, she blushes and bites her lip.
In return for their patience, Jiro patrons are rewarded with huge bowls of chewy noodles suspended in fatty broth and adorned with hunks of pork. The only concessions to nutritional balance are the sliced cabbage and bean sprouts. At Jiro's testosterone-charged counters, the ability to finish a gargantuan serving is as much a test of masculinity as gastronomic endurance.
The third painter dame is another Scot, Elizabeth Blackadder. Whether Paula Rego belongs in this company is a matter for individual judgment. I, for one, wish she had refused the fatuous DBE, content with the unadorned name she has made famous and respected throughout the art world.
Sales have continued at that pace in the first 10 weeks of the new financial year, helped by strong demand for pendants adorned with devils and wings, as well as top-end rings with secret compartments.
Questions from the audience at events throw up a different sort of challenge: how to answer a question from a child who is so nervous they haven't noticed the child before them asked exactly the same one; how to say gently, to a distressed 7-year-old, that she'll talk to them afterwards about their parents' breakup; how to deflect, increasingly (and to her genteel dismay), questions about money: how much she earns, what her rings are worth. For someone who is regularly pictured wearing at least one heavy silver ring on each finger, she is, when we meet at the Foundling Museum in central London, wearing disappointingly few rings: the long-fingered hands cradling a cup of cranberry, raspberry and elderflower tea are adorned with only a huge translucent grey stone, a crepuscular silver effort, and a thumb ring.Wilson has a preternatural memory for the details of her own childhood â?? how does she think childhood has changed? Less freedom, she says, immediately. "When I was at primary school, as long as you had a friend to go with you were free to wander and roam. I was walking to school by myself by the time I was seven." Yet at the same time, "children nowadays, really very young â?? because of television, because of changes in attitudes â?? they know so much more. When I was a little girl, even the word divorce was whispered. And I didn't hear a four-letter word spoken aloud until I was 17."
If this technologics is already stirring in Cervantes, swelling in Blake and Shelley and coming to a head in Melville, then the moment that it fully breaks and floods the whole aesthetic landscape can be dated to the very day. On 20 February 1909, Filippo Tommaso MBlakearinetti published on the front page of Le Figaro his incendiary "Founding and Manifesto of Futurism". Wrapped in an account of a car crash that Marinetti in fact experienced (and which he celebrates here, in proto-Ballardian manner, as an episode of almost transcendent metallic beauty), the manifesto announces the new, superior aesthetic of the machine. "A racing car," reads the manifesto's fourth paragraph, "whose hood is adorned with great pipes, like serpents of explosive breath â?? a roaring car that seems to ride on grapeshot â?? is more beautiful than The Victory of Samothrace." While the diagnostic move â?? acknowledging the machine's ascendency in art as well as industry â?? may be the same as Melville's, the attitude could not be more different: where Melville's narrator shivers with revulsion from beginning to end of "The Tartarus of Maids", Marinetti vibrates in his manifesto with a fiery enthusiasm that approaches ecstasy. "We will sing," reads paragraph 11, "of the vibrant nightly fervour of arsenals and shipyards blazing with violent electric moons; greedy railway stations that devour smoke-plumed serpents; factories hung on clouds by the crooked lines of their smoke; bridges that stride the rivers like giant gymnasts, flashing in the sun with a glitter of knives; adventurous steamers that sniff the horizon; deep-chested locomotives whose wheels paw the tracks like the hooves of enormous steel horses bridled by tubing; and the sleek flight of planes whose propellers chatter in the wind like banners and seem to cheer like an enthusiastic crowd."
'Blake's got a new face," sang indie chart-toppers Vampire Weekend on their debut album â?? if only they'd followed Blake's lead. The model on the cover of their second album, Contra, whose face also adorned the backdrop of their gigs, is suing the band for $2m (Â?1.3m), claiming they had been using the photograph without her permission.
I was born in Morecambe and lived there till I was seven. Later, I returned, every school holiday, from the dark satanic mills of Blackburn to the seaside kitsch that adorned my nan's bungalow, a stone's throw from the promenade, funfairs and piers.
Growing up among sangria decanters and velvet Spanish bulls, flamenco dolls artfully positioned on home bars in the shape of a ship's bow, with walls adorned with prints of crying boys and dogs with oversized sad eyes, has impregnated me with a healthy (some would say unhealthy) appreciation of kitsch.

When you touch me... my body and heart feel adorned.
Gdy mnie dotykasz... me ciało i serce czuje się adorowane.

It seems that one of the crowns was adorned with a great jewel.
Wydaje mi się, że jedna z koron była ozdobiona wielkim klejnotem.

Those very thorns that adorned Jesus's crown.
Te ciernie, które zdobiły koronę Jezusa.

He who is adorned with diamonds
On, który jest ozdobiony diamentami.

It once adorned the shrine of Thomas Becket at Canterbury.
Zdobił on kiedyś relikwiarz Thomasa Becketa w Canterbury.

My forehead adorned, my jewel, the moon I can't walk unnoticed amidst the stars
Moje czoło przyozdobione moim klejnotem, księżycem Nie mogę przejść niezauwazona pośród gwiazd

I believe you have greatly adorned this Chamber with your Portuguese Presidency ties, and you have generated an esprit de corps in the Council that we should never have thought possible.
Myślę, że upiększył pan tę Izbę krawatami prezydencji portugalskiej i wytworzył w Radzie taki esprit de corps, który nie wydawał nam nigdy możliwy.

I should like to address the French Members of the House in particular to remind them of the slogan of 'liberty, equality, fraternity' which adorned the banners of the French revolution.
A do kolegów z Francji szczególnie - mieliście hasło "Wolność, równość, braterstwo” na sztandarach rewolucji francuskiej.

on behalf of the PPE-DE group. - (HU) Mr President, I went to Kiev recently and the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry building could hardly be seen as it had been adorned with a three-storey-high European flag.
w imieniu grupy PPE-DE. - (HU) Panie przewodniczący! Pojechałem niedawno do Kijowa, gdzie budynku ukraińskiego Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych prawie nie było widać zza wysokiej na trzy piętra europejskiej flagi, którą go przyozdobiono.