med. stroke; shock
~ cieplny - heat shock, heat stroke
~ mózgu - blood stroke
~ słoneczny - sunstroke
1. (collapse caused by exposure to excessive heat)
heatstroke, heat hyperpyrexia
synonim: udar cieplny
2. (sudden prostration due to exposure to the sun or excessive heat)
sunstroke, insolation, thermic fever, siriasis: : synonim: udar słoneczny
synonim: porażenie słoneczne
3. (a sudden loss of consciousness resulting when the rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel leads to oxygen lack in the brain)
stroke, apoplexy, cerebrovascular accident, CVA: : synonim: udar mózgu
synonim: wylew krwi do mózgu
synonim: wylew
synonim: apopleksja
synonim: incydent mózgowo-naczyniowy
4. (tapping a part of the body for diagnostic purposes)
percussion, pleximetry: :
~ cieplny thermal shock
~ mózgowy paralytic stroke
~ słoneczny heat-stroke, sunstroke
(el.) surge
n masc C (med) stroke
seizure: ~ słoneczny sun-stroke
ictus n, insult n, stroke n
1. strock
2. el. impulse wave
stroke, apoplexy, ictus
m stoke, surge, impulse wave