1. (a legal instrument authorizing someone to act as the grantor's agent)
power of attorney
2. (the act of granting authority to undertake certain functions)
commission, commissioning: : synonim: plenipotencja
udzielić komuś ~twa to authorize sb, (GB t.) to authorise
n nt C (leg) proxy; power of attorney; authority: udzielać komuś ~a to authorize sb; to give sb power of attorney
ntr prawn. power of attorney (dokument) letter of attorney
pełnomocnictwo do prowadzenia negocjacji - negotiating power
cofnąć pełnomocnictwo - to revoke power of attorney
1. power of attorney 2. proxy~o bankowe bank mandate ~o generalne general power of attorney ~o ogólne general powers of attorney ograniczenie ~a limitation of power udzielenie ~a authorizationwygaśnięcie ~a expiration of the power of attorney z ~a per procuradać komuś ~o to give sb with a power of attorney
n 1. authority 2. proxy, procuration 3. full power, power of attorney 4. authority ~o bankowe bank mandate ~o do nominacji power of appointment ~o generalne general power of attorney ~o handlowe commercial representation ~o nieograniczone unlimited authority ~o notarialne notarial power of attorney ~o ogólne general powers of attorney ~o pisemne letter of attorney ~o procesowe power of attorney ad litem, power of attorney ~o specjalne special power of attorney ~o szczególne special authority, special power of attorney ~o w formie dokumentu prywatnego power of attorney by private instrument ~o z substytucji substitute power cofnięcie ~a revocation of the power of attorney, withdrawal of the power of attorney na mocy ~a by authority, by attorney, by proxy ograniczenie ~a limitation of power (s) udzielenie ~a granting of a power of attorney, authorization, empowering wygaśnięcie ~a expiration of the power of attorney dać komuś ~o to accord sb with a power of attorney, to give sb with a power of attorney, to grant sb with a power of attorney, to authorize sb, to empower sb, to confer a power of attorney on sb, to furnish sb with power, to invest sb with power działać na mocy ~a to exercise one’s power of attorney mieć szerokie ~a to have wide powers, to be fully empowered odwołać ~o to revoke the power of attorney podpisać na mocy ~a to sign by proxy przedstawić swoje ~o to produce one’s power of attorney przekroczyć swoje ~o to exceed one’s authority, to exceed one’s power sporządzić ~o notarialne to draw up a power of attorney before a notary udzielić komuś ~a (do zrobienia czegoś) to invest sb with a power of attorney (to do sth) ; to authorize sb (to do sth)
authority, proxy
n authorization